Through the years of teaching, I had lots of students that touched my life in a special way. Baby Mikah's mother is one of the special ones. She and her sisters moved into our district after she was already in high school. She came to Texas with a rich cultural heritage different from mine. She brought her mother's recipe for Beignets to school and taught us how to make them. One thing that made her special was her keen intellect and thirst for knowledge. She was always sharing an interesting something she had learned with me and the class. In amazement one day, I asked her where she had learned so much. She told me she enjoyed watching the Discovery Channel and the History Channel. Who says television can't be a great teacher if you just pay attention?
Baby Mikah is scheduled to arrive in a few weeks. He has a big brother who is already in heaven. His mom is in the hospital under close monitoring so little Mikah will be born healthy and fit. You can bet that Mikah will be one special little baby. I can't wait to meet him. This is his baby play in the floor quilt.
I know that will be fun for him to monkey around on!